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» Dry Red Press
Diwali Elephant by Ann Shrager
Puffins on the Sea by John Hatton
Daffodils by Anne Marie Butlin
The Art Dealer's House by Melissa Scott-Miller
At Home with Waggis by Cherryl Fountain
Puss Asleep by Carole Hubble
Knightshayes Autumn by Bob Rudd
The Shirtfronts by Clae Eastgate
Faithful Friend by Tom Homewood
Walkies by Susie Perring
Sheep in the Sun by Sue Campion RBA
Sunflowers in the Studio by Haidee-Jo Summers
Daisies by Annie Williams
A Fox Jumped Out by Elizabeth McCrimmon
The Lookout by Ann McCay
Cherry Blossom by Linda Alexander
Home Comforts by Susie Perring
Horace by Clae Eastgate
Spring Garden by Anne Marie Butlin
Two Cows and a Pheasant in the Morning by Ann Heat
The Great Lime Tree by June Berry
In the Studio by Valeriy Gridnev
The End of the Pier Show by Janet Brooke
Eastbound Piccadilly by Michael Alford
Damona and her Daughters by David Brayne
Fabian by Clae Eastgate
Nine Birds and a Single Tree by Daniel Cole
Detail by Deborah Walker
Oil Paint by Michael Whittlesea
Chioggia Beets by Colette Clegg
Islington Park with New Mother by Melissa Scott-Miller
Cutting Garden Flowers - July by Anne Marie Butlin
Starey Cat by Dianne Stephens
Seaside Flowers by Jenny Wheatley
Cool Breeze by Deborah Walker
Towards the Lighthouse by Cheryl Culver
Swifts by Richard Allen SWLA
This Season's Hair Colour by June Berry
Returning Tide by Julia Manning
Brighton Bits x 12 by Janet Brooke
Cosmos by Anna Perlin
Quiet Hours by Jo Barry
The Gardener by Tom Homewood
Bridesmaid by Daniel Sharples
Ears in the Wind by Tom Homewood
Flowers for Hope by Sally-Anne Fitter
Sunflowers by Anne-Marie Butlin
Kid in a Sweet Shop by Des Maxwell Clark
Damien Hirsts Dog by Mychael Barratt PPRE
Minding the Flock by Jenny Wheatley NEAC RWS
Winter Crows by Daniel Cole
Sunlit Blossom with Cat by Melissa Scott-Miller
Starlings by Richard Allen SWLA
Starlings by Richard Sorrell
Snowdrops and Aconites by Diana Calvert
Peonies and Patterns by Alex Fowler
White Stag by Melissa Launay
Footpath over the Downs by Stuart Stanley
Ringo and Pansies by Anne Marie Butlin
Spring Walks by David Parfitt
Breakfast in Bed by Jenni Murphy
Snowdrops and Stripes by Carole Griffin
Anemones in a Cream Jug by Anne Marie Butlin
Summer Flowers by Anna Perlin
Elderly Couple Walking by June Berry
Ruby by Clae Eastgate
Barn Owl in December Snow by Lesley McLaren
To The Point by Sian Thomas
Giro II by Toby Ward
On the Wing by Janet Brooke
Anemones in Spotted Pot by Sally-Anne Fitter
Pied Wagtails by Daniel Cole
Reindeer by Christopher Corr
Spring Blackbird by Matt Underwood
Spring Flowers with Forget-me-nots by Anne Marie Butlin
Summer - Castle Pulverbatch by Sue Campion
Louie in the Nasturtiums by Anne Marie Butlin
Cosy Evening by Tom Homewood
White Horse Summer by Anne Jope
Lurcher on Spots by Clae Eastgate
Poetry Lover's Garden by Anne Marie Butlin
My Girl by Julie Brunn
End of the Day - Army of Apple Trees by Sophie Knight