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Peacock Birthday Badge Card by Lindsay Marsden
Birds never look inside the sun until the day is done by Rob Van Hoek
Pole Position by Alice Melvin
Cosy Evening by Tom Homewood
Quiet Hours by Jo Barry
Tigger at the Piano by Andrew Haslen
Through The Woods by Lindy Norton
My New Red Collar by Lindy Norton
Sleeping Cat by Jean Bernard
Nine Birds and a Single Tree by Daniel Cole
My Girl by Julie Brunn
Home Comforts by Susie Perring
Puss Asleep by Carole Hubble
Whippet Walk by Anna Wilson-Patterson
Birthday Hair Badge Card by Lindsay Marsden
Hairy Lurcher Blues by Anna Wilson-Patterson
The Shirtfronts by Clae Eastgate
At Home with Waggis by Cherryl Fountain
Cat For You Badge Card by Lindsay Marsden
Love Birds by Fiona Watson
Pear tree and partridge badge card
Returning Tide by Julia Manning
Right-Handed Apple-Cat by Ditz
Moonlit Curiosity by Jemima Jameson
Sheep in the Sun by Sue Campion RBA
Sunlit Blossom with Cat by Melissa Scott-Miller
Starlings by Richard Sorrell
Rosette Cat - Badge Card by Lindsay Marsden
Seahorse Heart Badge Card by Lindsay Marsden
Trifle bears badge card
Ringo and Pansies by Anne Marie Butlin
Dog Walk by Lindy Norton
Good Friends (Portrait of the Artist’s Sister Bertha Edelfelt) by Albert Edelfelt
Winter heart badge card
Horace by Clae Eastgate
Dilwyn and Leucryx by Lilian Cheviot
Net Huts in the Snow by Anna Wilson Patterson
Spring Blackbird by Matt Underwood
A Walk in the Park by Emma McClure
Fabian by Clae Eastgate
Fox by Linda Richardson
Midnight Moon by Jane Keay
Minding the Flock by Jenny Wheatley NEAC RWS
Foxfire by Flora McLachlan
Pied Wagtails by Daniel Cole
Starlings by Richard Allen SWLA
Sea Creatures Badge Card by Lindsay Marsden
Puffins on the Sea by John Hatton
Summer - Castle Pulverbatch by Sue Campion
The Races at Longchamp by Édouard Manet
Venetian Dog by Dame Elizabeth Blackadder
Lurcher on Spots by Clae Eastgate
Whatever the Weather by Ambrose Hynes
Interior of Noahs Ark by Warwick Hutton
Pootling by Rebecca Campbell
Jack and Jill by Cecil Aldin
Damien Hirsts Dog by Mychael Barratt PPRE
On the Wing by Janet Brooke
Louie in the Nasturtiums by Anne Marie Butlin
Holly on the Sofa by Andrew Haslen
Black Cat at RX83 by Anna Wilson-Patterson
Schooling the Pony by John Lavery
Barn Owl in December Snow by Lesley McLaren
Allotment Ducks by Sheila Smithson
Ears in the Wind by Tom Homewood
Pattern Forest Badge Card by Lindsay Marsden
Two Women and a Boat by Sheena Graham-George
Two Cows and a Pheasant in the Morning by Ann Heat
You Promised by Debbie Urquhart
Happy Birthday Birds Badge Card by Lindsay Marsden
Roar by Jonathan Crosby
Happy Apple Badge Card by Lindsay Marsden
Noodles by Gillian Golding
Green Woodland Badge Card by Lindsay Marsden
Blue Caravan Dungeness by Anna Wilson-Patterson
The Great Lime Tree by June Berry
Trifle Trees badge card
Faithful Friend by Tom Homewood
The Lookout by Ann McCay
Diwali Elephant by Ann Shrager
Amber on the Bed by Andrew Haslen
Heart Collage Badge Card by Lindsay Marsden
Starry Starry Goat by Anna Wilson Patterson
Insects by Brie Harrison
Bedlington Pup by Elizabeth Moriarty
Danny Dalmatian by Jonathan Crosby
Terrence Tiger by Jonathan Crosby
Wood Mouse by Vanessa Lubach
Three Bears Badge Card by Lindsay Marsden
For You - Dog Badge Card by Lindsay Marsden
Woof by Jonathan Crosby
Ruby by Clae Eastgate
Meeow by Jonathan Crosby
Two for Joy by Jane Peart
The Cat’s Ships by Ophelia Redpath
The Red Cushion by Linda Richardson
Mare and Foal by Robert Polhill Beven
Cherry Gift by Georgina Warne
Starey Cat by Dianne Stephens
Mount Caburn by Eric Ravilious
Walkies by Susie Perring
A Fox Jumped Out by Elizabeth McCrimmon
Heart Megaphone Badge Card by Lindsay Marsden
Party Hats Badge Card by Lindsay Marsden
Mountain Hare by Linda Richardson